Here's our Wednesday night meal. I looked at three or four recipes and borrowed from each of them for this chicken and mushroom enchilada.
I should probably preface this by mentioning that my interest in Mexican food is rather new-found. Where I grew up, in Vermont, we did not have anything resembling Mexican food. To this day, I do not think there is even a Taco Bell in town or in any of the surrounding towns (probably in Rutland or Brattleboro, both 40+ miles away, in different directions). Heck, my town didn't even have a McDonald's until I was almost out of High School!
Therefore, I hadn't even tasted Mexican food until I was away at college, and I didn't like it then. I still find I am not too fond of "Tex-Mex" - at least the kind where it's all about the spice and the heat. But since I've enjoyed Mexican food IN Mexico now, I'm getting rather fond of it. Not that I'm making authentic by anyone's imagination, but I need to start somewhere, and I'm not enough of a culinarian to attempt Rick Bayless' 20-ingredient mole just yet.
First I took the tortillas I was going to use and softened them by wrapping them in a damp paper towel, wrapping them in a tea towel and nuking them for a minute or two. Then I got the pan ready by putting down a couple spoonfuls of the picante sauce I was going to top the dish with. That way the enchiladas don't stick (as bad anyway).
I had roasted a chicken a couple days before and raided the carcass for about 2 cups of meat to dice up. I also thinly sliced a package of baby bella mushrooms and one red pepper that was in the bin marked "jalapeno" at the grocery store. I had to come online to a chile identification table to make sure that's actually what I had, as most of the jalapenos I've seen are green.
The pepper and mushrooms went into a skillet with some olive oil cooking spray and I cooked those down until the mushrooms were soft. I spread a small spoonful of "lite" sour cream on the tortilla, then laid down a handful of chopped up chicken (both white and dark meat) and a spoonful of the mushroom/pepper mixture. Then I added about a tablespoon of a "Mexican" cheese blend and rolled up the tortilla and placed it in the pan. I did this six times, which used up all the ingredients I had prepared.
When all six bundles were lined up in the pan, I poured the rest of the jar of picante sauce over them and added a few more handfuls of the Mexican cheese blend to cover it. Then I baked it at 350 until it was warm and bubbly, which took about 30 minutes.
BTW, the leftover enchilada I had for lunch today was possibly even yummier than it was last night!!
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